Friday, May 23, 2008

Yup, gas prices are a leeetle ridiculous.

Driving south on 495 on a Friday afternoon in the summer can be an absolute nightmare.

Driving south on 495 on the Friday before Memorial Day Weekend makes you suicidal.

However, with gas at an average of $3.90 in Worcester for Regular (but I did pass one station that had Regular for $4.09 on my way home), I didn't think it would affect Cape traffic too much. I mean... it's The Cape. *cue heavenly music*

I was totally wrong.

I decided to take my chances and travel down 495 to get to Milford (from my office in Westboro). At 3:15pm (usually the time when Cape traffic starts backing up), the road seemed like I was driving home on a Tuesday. During school vacation.

This snapshot of Google maps (taken at 7:18pm) shows that 495 is still moving at a normal pace. Normal, I mean, for 7:20pm on say, a Wednesday night. During school vacation.

However, it is NOT school vacation week. Nor is it a Tuesday... or Wednesday. It's the Friday before Memorial Day Weekend.

I'm doing my part to help the gas companies continue to reach their gazillion dollar profit goals by making a trip up to NH for the 3rd weekend in a row. And I have to go up to the Granite State again next Friday - for my Pepere's memorial service. So that's 4 weekends in a row, Exxon. How about a little of the profits thrown my way? I know a great gal whore named Sallie Mae who will gladly take away anything you give me so don't worry - I won't go spending it on frivolous things like groceries.

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